Our model is hand-crafted
from hard wood with planks on frame construction and then painted as
the real boat. This model is not a kit and
ready for display.
Item Code |
Specifications |
Volume |
CM0062P |
87L x 28W x
23H (cm)
x 11.02W x 9.05H (inch) |
0.107 m³ = 3.77
ft³ |

Model with reddish hull

The boat was made buy J newcombe in goowa, head of the murry river
the story goes that a friend of his bought a lewis, boat in
1960, having not much interest in boats was taken buy the shape
ad asked if he could mesure it up, he did and then went in too his
shed and 4 weeks later pushed out this hull shape friends and
folk were taken buy the shape handling and power she had a 318
chriseler pushing 300hp so people commissioned 4 of this hull
shape of which langodon bonnythom commissioned one, he had
difficulty too think of a name for her, on the way home he herd a
country western song redwing, was taken buy the name and decided
too call her redwing, J necombe made 15 boats, red wing held the
Australian record for towing 5 girls in a pyramid, and the famous
tottam pole single skier with two people siting on shoulder on
shoulder she could tow 7 girls on double ski,s, and 4 on single
ski,s the boat was used at keepit lake and then later was bought
buy billy mlystom, he and his wife started the coffs harbour ski
club they had 15 ski boats , red wing was the first for the
club, the club was based a mylstom, N,S,W the concrete pad of the
club house still exists many days were spent on the water and
they toured the west coast doing demonstrations backwards skiing,
drunken skiing, jumping, eventually the boat was sold and was
reenamed goana, apparently she went in too disuse and then
started too rot away, and was fond buy roger horn, who restored
the decks l, and it was sold, again, Charles Llamb fond her later in
a shed in the blue mountains and took her home and fully
restored her, and uses her nearly every weekend at the mylsotom
river, N,S,W, Australia.